Motive-Action Youth Pre-apprenticeship Trades Program
Provincial Dual Credit Strategy
Alberta Learning Information Service
Trades Work Program for Metis Persons

Motive-Action Youth Pre-Apprenticeship Trades Program
PURPOSE: To provide unemployed youth with the opportunity to upgrade their qualifi cations, improve their essential life management skills and actively engage with industry employers to begin careers in the trades.
Ministry of Human Services, Government of Alberta
This program is a competency-based Youth Pre-Apprenticeship Trades Program for auto servicing, auto body, heavy duty mechanics, welding and metal fabrication for unemployed youth ages 18-30. The program includes life management skills, occupational skills and work experience placements. The intent of the program is to:
1. Provide clients with applied/hands-on learning experiences and work experience placements;
2. Support the acquisition of competencies related to workplace knowledge, skills and behaviours in the automotive industry;
3. Build a common understanding about the specific skills, knowledge and behaviours that clients should master as a result of their learning experiences; and,
4. Address local labour market demand for occupational skills training.
Motive-Action Training Foundation has offered programs for youth in auto mechanics since 1985.
The current three year contract started in July 2012. A total of:
• 178 clients have started the program;
• 89 clients have successfully completed training; and,
• 54 clients are still in progress.
Overall contract outcomes based on completers are:
• At Exit – 67 percent.
• Three Months – 68 percent.
• Six Months – 71 percent.
Over 200 employers provide practical work experience and employment opportunities to Motive- Action graduates.