Adult Basic Education – Essential Skills for the Workplace
Apprenticeship Credits and Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship
Providing Career Development Information and Support to Saskatchewan Citizens
University of Regina Co-operative Education & Internships Programs (Co-op)
Saskatchewan Polytechnic Aboriginal Nursing Student Achievement Program

Apprenticeship Credits and
PURPOSE: To provide students with the opportunity to obtain credits for high school graduation; to recognize student achievement in trades training and employment; to raise awareness of apprenticeship as a career option for high school students ; and, to assist in meeting the labour market needs of Saskatchewan employers.
Ministries of Education and Economy, Government of Saskatchewan
The Saskatchewan Plan for Growth: Vision 2020 and Beyond (October 2012) identifies that a welleducated and highly skilled labour force will be required to sustain Saskatchewan’s growing economy and competitive advantage in the global marketplace. High school completion is foundational to further education, training and employment opportunities.
These programs offer opportunities that contribute to Saskatchewan’s labour market. To meet the credit requirements for graduation, students employed under the supervision of a journeyperson, in a trade in which the hours worked are eligible for apprenticeship credit, may earn up to four secondary level apprenticeship credits on the basis of work completed by the student.
Besides getting a head start on career planning and having a record of achievements, youth who complete all three levels of the Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship Passport and register as an apprentice in a designated trade within five years receive the following benefits:
• Waiver of registration fee with the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission;
• No charge for first level of technical training tuition; and,
• Up to 300 hours of trade time credit.
Granting of credits for approved apprenticeships recognizes student achievement in trades outside of the regular high school program. Only students who are registered in a Saskatchewan high school and are working (employed) in a trade are eligible for apprenticeship credits.
Core Curriculum: Priciples, Time Allocations and Credit Policy
Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship and apprenticeship credit opportunities have been positively received in schools and communities. There has been a consistent year to year increase in the number of credits awarded.
During the first year (2009–10), 115 credits were awarded. To date, a total of 1,176 credits have been awarded, with the most recent year (2013–14) seeing 340 apprenticeship credits being awarded.
In 2013–14, a total of 4,036 youth apprentices were registered in Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship in 287 high schools across the province. In addition, 103 Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship Industry Scholarships have been presented to Saskatchewan students completing Grade 12.