Community Training Funds
PURPOSE: To support training initiatives and employment projects for training, retraining, upgrading and improving the occupational skills of Yukon residents.
Departments of Education and Advanced Education, Government of Yukon
There are three Community Training Fund program streams:
1. Community Based
• Designed to put decisions about training in the hands of those best equipped to understand what is needed in their respective communities.
• These training funds are managed by regional committees which may include representatives from the local municipal government, First Nations communities, Yukon College community campus, and from the community-at-large.
2. Economic Industry Sectors
• Designed to assist the private sector to meet the training needs of specific industries important to the Yukon economy.
• Sector funds are hosted by sector organizations and managed by committees made up of representatives with expertise in the sector.
3. Project Based
• These funds respond to immediate and specific training needs in the community based on proposals that demonstrate a labour market need.
Yukon Government has committed $1.4 million to the Community Training Fund for 2015–16.
Demand for the Community Training Funds is generally at least 25 percent higher than existing resources in any given fiscal year, resulting in Yukon Education rejecting or delaying worthwhile projects due to budget limitations.