Labrador Aboriginal Training Partnership
PURPOSE: To prepare Aboriginal peoples living in Labrador for employment opportunities created through resource development throughout Labrador.
Advanced Education and Skills, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
The Labrador Aboriginal Training Partnership is a not-for-profit corporation and is a partnership between the three Labrador Aboriginal Organizations: Innu Nation, Nunatsiavut Government, and NunatuKavut Community Council. The partnership also includes Nalcor Energy as an industry partner.
Through investments from all Labrador Aboriginal Training Partnership partners, the Provincial Government through the Department of Advanced Education and Skills, and funding leveraged though the Federal Government, this partnership facilitates the delivery of training to support the labour market requirements of resource developments throughout Labrador.
Phase I: From 2009–12, the partnership focused on core training and essential skills training. A wage subsidy program was also established to encourage the hiring of Labrador Aboriginal Training Partnership Clients.
Phase II: From 2013 to March 2016, the partnership’s training plan focused on the labour market requirements for the Lower Churchill Project. The investment supports the delivery of labour market relevant training programs including: Construction Craft Worker, Occupational Health and Safety Fundamentals, Environmental Monitor, Rebar, Tower Steel Assembler, Cement Truck Driver, Commercial Transport, Scaffolding, Construction Craft Worker/Concrete Finisher, Concrete Form Worker, Carpentry Apprenticeship Pre-Block Preparations, Food Safety/Kitchen Helper, Housekeeping, Union Training and Shop Steward Training. A new wage subsidy program was also established to encourage the hiring of Labrador Aboriginal Training Partnership Clients.
The partnership has reporting requirements to its Board, its partners, the Federal Government and the Provincial Government.
In Phase I, approximately 973 clients were assessed during the two year period, and over 2,000 interventions were completed. Of those assessed, over 400 were involved in core training and essential skills training, 400 were in skills development training and approximately 320 received some form of employment services. Approximately 180 individuals were given the opportunity to enhance their pre-employment training skills by participating in a wage subsidy program. As a result, a total of 398 Aboriginal clients obtained employment.
To date, in Phase II, the partnership has over 990 clients and confirmation of 471 employed.
Newfoundland and Labrador continues to view this program as successful in its mandate.
Labrador Aboriginal Training Partnership