Futures in Skilled Trades and Technology Program
PURPOSE: To provide a career exploration program in high school for skilled trades exposure
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
The Futures in Skilled Trades and Technology Program was introduced in 2006 to give students an opportunity to explore the trades in their high school years. As a career exploration program, it exposed students to the trades as a viable career option. Six courses were implemented, adjustments made for small schools, with 103 schools being resourced for all or part of the program.
Courses include:
• Skilled Trades 1201 (integrating six separate trades in interior residential construction);
• Design and Fabrication 1202 (Engineering based design and creation);
• Residential Construction 2201 (External residential construction);
• Design and Fabrication 2202 (CNC Design);
• Power and Energy 3201 (small engine and alternative energy); and,
• Robotics Systems Technology 3205 (electronics and robotics).
In 2012, a module was introduced in the intermediate grades that will expose students to the skilled trades courses available to them in high school. Revised from the existing Production Technology Module, it involves tool use and residential design concepts to enable students to experience trades related learning earlier in their academic career.
A women in skilled trades initiative also began as part of this program.
This program is annually reported as part of the Poverty Reduction Strategy.
Since its inception over 33,840 students have been registered in the program.
Skilled Trades - Jump Start Your Life