Prince Edward Island Preschool Excellence Initiative
Student Graduation and Transition Planner Project

Secondary Literacy Assessment
PURPOSE: To provide a web-based, cross-curricular assessment of basic literacy skills necessary for postsecondary education, apprenticeship programs and the labour market for the 2018 high school cohort.
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Government of Prince Edward Island
The Secondary Literacy Assessment was piloted in April 2015. Full administration will occur in January 2016. Students will take the Secondary Literacy Assessment test during their Grade 10 year. Students who are unsuccessful will have the opportunity to retake the test during their Grade 11 year. Students who have two unsuccessful attempts will be required to take a literacy course specific to the skills and strategies measured in the Secondary Literacy Assessment.
The online feature of this assessment is new for large scale testing and aligns with technology use in the classroom and with the move to computer-based assessments nationally and internationally. This assessment establishes a standard level of literacy expected for all students which must be met prior to graduation.
Additional information was learned about the technology requirements that must be in place in schools prior to a successful administration during the pilot phase.
Feedback obtained during the pilot administration showed students preferred writing the assessment online. They also expressed that they felt the test was “fair” and the assistive tools were helpful.
The pilot was a success based on the feedback collected anecdotally as well as information gathered through the online student and teacher questionnaires.
Data for some components of the assessment will be available soon.
Education, Early Learning and Culture: Provincial Assessment Program