Prince Edward Island Preschool Excellence Initiative
Student Graduation and Transition Planner Project
Student Graduation and Transition Planner Project
PURPOSE: To assist all secondary students, beginning in grade 9 through to high school graduation, with planning their graduation pathways, postsecondary transitions and transitions to the labour market.
Departments of Education and Early Childhood Development & Innovation and Advanced Learning, Government of Prince Edward Island
The Student Graduation and Transition Planner will provide the foundation to empower students to engage in a comprehensive, personalized three year planning process.
It will guide and support students in the development of personal and career goals during their secondary school years and creation of plans for life and employment after graduation.
The project comprises the following components (2014–18):
1. Professional learning program (2014–18)
• Support teachers and school counsellors in developing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes so they can:
– Analyze current Labour Market Information;
– Facilitate the career development process with students;
– Correlate career development processes with student high school pathway planning; and,
– Apply financial literacy to the career planning process.
• Support school administrators so they:
– Understand the social and economic imperative of career education; and,
– Lead the creation of a school culture that ensures that students have opportunities to participate in career education and community-based learning curricula and programs throughout their school years.
2. Parent/guardian coaching program (2015–18)
• Support parents and guardians to better assist students in making informed and successful education and career choices
3. Interactive online Student Graduation and Transition Planner with accompanying hard copy user’s guide (2015–18)
• Customized for both English and French school systems to reflect provincial graduation requirements, options for earning credits towards graduation, student financial services information, along with links to helpful web sites such as those focusing on occupational and sector specific information.
4. Policy Piece (in development)
An extensive evaluation framework has been developed and runs through all components as they unfold over the life of the project. The program evaluation tracks activities and outcomes to measure effectiveness and inform improvements. Results will be reported regularly on an on-going basis.
Education, Early Learning and Culture